- Introduction to the Program
- Introduction to This Module
- What is Internal Audit?
- History of Internal Audit
- Overview of International Standards for Internal Audit
- Internal Audit Versus External Audit
- Typical Functions of Internal Audit
- Types of Internal Audit
- Module Summary
- Multiple Choice Quiz
- Introduction to This Module
- What is the Internal Audit Function?
- Internal Audit Objectives
- Internal Audit Governance
- Role and Responsibility of the Internal Audit Function (Strategic Level)
- Role and Responsibility of the Internal Audit Function (Operational Level)
- Module Summary
- Multiple Choice Quiz
- Introduction to This Module
- Obtain Understanding of the Business
- Preparation of the Audit Universe
- What is Risk? What are Inherent Risk and Residual Risk?
- Risk Rating Methodology: Probability and Impact Assessment
- Risk Control Matrix: From the Inherent to the Residual Risk
- Module Summary
- Multiple Choice Quiz
- Introduction to This Module
- What is an Audit Plan?
- Types of Planning
- How to Create an Audit Plan
- Audit Plan Approval and Audit Plan Changes
- Module Summary
- Multiple Choice Quiz
- Introduction to This Module
- Process Walkthroughs
- Testing of Controls
- Identification of Findings
- Reporting, Recommendations, and Findings
- Module Summary
- Multiple Choice Quiz
- Introduction to This Module
- Audit Report Contents
- Protocol for Remediation
- Follow-Up by the Internal Audit
- Closing a Finding
- Module Summary
- Multiple Choice Quiz
- Final Assessment
- Completing the Program